
Ecosystems Restoration

Restoring ecosystems through reforestation is the most effective, sustainable, integrative, productive and it is the fastest way to reverse climate change and species loss.



Species Recovery and Animal Welfare

Stopping the extinction of wild species is very urgent, since wildlife population balance, among many other environmental services, stops the outbreak and rapid spread of emerging diseases. Besides being our ethical responsibility.



Integrative Environmental Education

We focus on integrative environmental education programs that transcend the present and impact the future. All the actors in our society need to develop skills and, above all, true awarness about the human activity and its consequences on nature.



Agroecology and Biodiversity

The population explosion forecast still rising unstoppable. The higher food demand and consequences has reached us all.

It is urgent to intensify and technify sustainable agriculture, to take advantage of resources without damaging ecosystems.


The only way to make this happen is to take action!

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Conservancy Without Borders e.V.