With such an enormous population and the lack of awareness and responsibility, this is not a surprise. It all leads us to:

* Education decrease

* Millions more of tons of food required, more cattle and massive deforestation

* More water where there is none left

* Oceans polllution

* More plastic supplies and consumerism

* More minery and oiling

* Wipe out of biodiversity

* More pandemics and emerging diseases

* Millions and millions of solid waste

We are so crowded and the planet is more than overwhelmed.


More poverty and inequality


The more people the more use of natural resources


More human conflicts, refugees and wars


More soil erosion, floods and droughts


No trees = no water


Reduce your consumption. Live simple and free.


Save time and money, improve your health and enjoy by riding a bike.


No nuclear power plants = nuclear waste, no nuclear ecological disaster.


Using the car in an irresponsible manner infer greater damage than we imagine. Keeping the engine running without thinking, just to feel more comfortable with the air conditioning on, while we text, nap or talk to a neighbor means tons of CO2 discharged, which directly contribute to global warming and pollution.

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Conservancy Without Borders e.V.