Professionals, naturalists ... characteristics that unite us and make us a unique team, capable to plan, perform, evaluate and follow up successful conservation projects.

Eduardo Veyan Gomez

Veterinary Medicine Bachelor, National Autonomous University of Mexico. More than 25 years of experience with wildlife in captivity and free life in Mexico, Germany, South Africa, USA, Malawi, Costa Rica and India. Convinced that expeditious and uncomplicated actions are urgently required for the conservation of ecosystems and their biodiversity, which must necessarily go hand in hand with ambitious programs of organized social involvement and comprehensive education for a truly sustainable development incorporated into state policies.

Stephanie Averdung

Mexican-German; Veterinary Medicine Bachelor, National Autonomous University of Mexico, graduated in Wild Fauna Management from the Metropolitan Autonomous University and in Veterinary Acupuncture from the Autonomous University of Chapingo. She has worked in Civil Associations related to wildlife conservation and management , as well as in social, environmental and research projects in schools, universities and zoos in Mexico and Guatemala and South Africa. She has extensive experience in organizing Congresses, Symposia and Colloquia.

Annerose Yoshiko Yamaguchi

Master in Senior Management (Mexico) and veterinarian (Brazil), worked as a Biodiversity Specialist (FAO), International Consultant (IAEA), Technical Director S. Protectora de Animales -BHSAS (Belize), Deputy Director of the Ministry of the Environment in Mexico (DGVS), consultant for (UNDP / CONANP) at the Mexican Turtle Center (CMT). Experience with CBD, CITES, IWC, North American Trilateral Agreements for Wetlands, Migratory Species, Zoonotic Diseases, Environmental Impact Studies, Policy Development and Implementation, Regional and National Technical Cooperation, Project Analysis, Strategy Evaluation, and Integration of Biodiversity in the agriculture and food systems.

Natalia Ramírez Espínola

I studied Veterinary Medicine and Husbandry at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), where I did a master's degree on bovines. I attended a 6-month stay in the ruminant clinic at the Veterinary University in Vienna. I worked in the UNAM Ruminant Animal Production Department and as private producers advisor and consultant. My interest in animal production is directed towards a sustainable production for food safety, with little environmental impact with an emphasis on animal welfare.

Ezequiel Mendoza Jämsch

His life is marked by his German mother and his Mexican father, as is his passion for music, scientific knowledge and research in the field of biological sciences applied to the welfare of humanity. In this line, he applies his multiple talents not only in the subtlety of art but in the development of knowledge with a high degree of awareness about the interaction and influence of the environment with the welfare of humanity. He thinks that to achieve integral health it is necessary to maintain balance in the habitat of man and that of all forms of life with which he shares his existence. As in music, he is convinced that by assembling everything harmoniously, there is the opportunity to bring society and nature closer together in peace and with the help of science as a motor instrument.

Carlo Gobelli Repetto

Son of Italians born in Peru, graduated in business administration with a specialty in senior management, passionate and committed to nature and environment , he has been linked with different NGOs with wich he has developed and performed trascendent conservation and social actions in Mexico, Peru and Central America.

Uta Dorothea Wrackmeyer

She was born in the city of Halle, Germany. She studied Biochemistry at the Martin Luther University of Halle Wittebnerg. She holds a PhD in Neuromolecular Biochemistry from the Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine in Berlin, Germany, and a Master's Degree in Pharmacological Regulatory Affairs from the University of Cologne in Germany. She has great interest and profile for inter-institutional collaboration to apply a more environmentalist approach to internal policies and global company decisions.

Hans Peter Averdung López

Aviator pilot and specialist in high-tech systems. Eternal convinced of a simple lifestyle with a low polluting footprint, a believer in technology as a facilitator of solutions not only to current challenges, but also to the many mistakes of the past. Together we can solve the problems and make our presence on Earth a tolerable fact for the rest of the ecosystems; because we can do it, it is our duty.

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