Among many other amazing creatures, this forest houses the threatened specktacled bear Tremarctos ornatus, whose populations continue to decline rapidly.

We join efforts to acquire an area of the unique wonderful and highly vulnerable amazonian rain forest in a very strategic location close to the border with a Peruvian jungle protected area, and an Ecuadorian military area of forest. According to Ecuadorian law, this area can turn into a national protected area if the owner requests it properly and meets the requisites. And that is exactly our goal!

These areas together are unique in terms of biodiversity connectivity to conserve the habitat of thousands of species, many of them critically endangered and with plenty of endemisms. Please help us to protect one of the very few areas of non-highly perturbed South American jungle before it is cut down to breed more and more cattle and to avoid more and more damage through new mining complexes threats.


Deforested areas to be restored.


Intact jungle


Threatened jungle by cattle breeders.


Habitat of many threatened species

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Conservancy Without Borders e.V.