Many specimens of wildlife that are close to urban developments suffer severe injuries that, if not treated, could mean death. Many of them are critically endangered. With the construction of a Wildlife Hospital and Rehabilitation Center a lot of them will be able to return to the wild and keep playing their very important role in the nature balance and environmental services. Help them by donating TODAY!


Many animals get injured or sick and need critical and professional care, otherwise they will go through very painful agony untill they die in the wild.


Dr. Yamaguchi works in situ, and togehther with our Allies of BeWild Aid they rescue endangered species and release them back where they belong.


Plains zebra Equus quagga populations are fastly decreasing due to habitat loss, poaching, and conflicts for pasturelands between humans and their cattle.


Ecosystem balance is crucial even for our own health.

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Conservancy Without Borders e.V.